Materiality Issue Matrix
- Collect Sustainability Issues
To understand the concerns and expectations of important stakeholders regarding sustainability issues of BenQ Materials, we prepared a questionnaire covering 17 sustainability issues by referring to the GRI Sustainability Report Standards and manufacturing industry attributes, as well as collecting information from external sustainability reports. A total of 334 questionnaires were collected from stakeholders by the relevant departments to understand the major issues of concern to stakeholders.
- Opinion Survey on Level of Concern
The questionnaires on sustainability issues were compiled and analyzed to summarize the concerns of key stakeholders and provided to 10 senior executives of BenQ Materials for their understanding. Furthermore, questionnaires were also distributed to the executives to evaluate the possible economic, environmental, and social impacts on BenQ Materials.
- Determination of Important Disclosure Issues
We compiled a list of 14 essential disclosure issues, including financial performance, product responsibility, talent attraction and retention, information security, occupational safety and health, climate change, air pollution management, energy management, water resources management, sustainable supply chain, waste and recycling, sustainable design, talent development, and integrity management. Together, these critical issues form the basis of the 2021 Sustainability Report.

Bubble size: Concern level of stakeholders